Mashy Peas

This recipe is one I like to call a Pocket Recipe. Which is not to say, necessarily, that you will end up with a pocket full of mashed peas. Nor is this to say you shant. Honestly, if pockets peas are your jam, do not let me stop you. But that's not really what I'm suggesting here.

Mashy Peas, sometimes known as Mushy Peas (traditional, but less appetizing), Mashed Peas (a bit too on-the-nose for my taste), or, in a similar vein to the degree that I absolutely ripped off the idea slash "was inspired to create this by" Nando's own Macho Peas (too branded). And I call this a Pocket Recipe because this is a simple, fast, low commitment, low difficulty recipe you can make on any weeknight. You know what Mashy Peas go great with?! Just about every GD thing you can think of. Including wine.

This is a Pocket Recipe because you have it with you at all times. Keep some frozen peas in the freezer. Pick up a lemon and some mint on your way home. BAM! Pea'd! The base recipe here is so simple and so versatile that you can make this the perfect side to any dish. Extra buttery peas with a grilled salmon? Why the hell not?! Lime and cayenne pepper to accompany your Argentine steak? You do you, brother!

For this version, I'm going with a simple mint and lemon mixture with a the slightest bit of heavy-handed red pepper flakes. Try out this base recipe, then let your imagination soar with variations. At base value, we're talking peas/water/butter. Its honestly pretty hard to make these anything other than delicious! Many recipes call for a pureeing of the pea mash, but I like it a bit more rustic and chunky. Honestly, its your pocket peas! Make it however you see fit!


  • 1 lb. bag of frozen peas
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3 Tbs. butter
  • 1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
  • Pinch of salt and a dash of pepper
  • 1 Tbs. fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • Fresh parsley, chopped
  • Fresh mint to taste, chopped

To Prepare:
  1. Combine your frozen peas, 2 Tbs of butter, and water in a large pot over medium heat. Cook for approximately 15-20 minutes, until the peas have thawed and begun to cook, turning a delightful bright green color. 
  2. Once the peas have cooked through, begin mashing the peas together. You can use a fork, the back of a spoon, or, my preference, a potato SMASHer! If you prefer a pureed consistency, feel free to use an immersion blender or move the mixture to a food processor. 
  3. Add your spices! Salt and pepper, red pepper flakes, garlic if you're into that, and a good tablespoon of any chopped fresh herbs, like parsley and mint. Add all at once, then mix to incorporate evenly to the peas. 
  4. Add the remaining butter, and then the fresh lemon juice. Stir to incorporate evenly. 
  5. Taste. Add more spices, or butter, or lemon juice until you get the flavor you want. There's no wrong way to Mashy Pea. 
  6. Enjoy! Perfect as a quick side dish with salmon.
Bon appetit!


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