Kale, Mushroom, and Lentil Soup in Spicy Garlic Broth
As usual, it tends to go back to Anthony Bourdain or Julia Child. In this case both. Bourdain informed me of the ease and utility of making your own stock from your scraps of vegetables and bones, and of keeping the stock around in the freezer, pre-measured in one cup containers. Julia provided extensive notations and descriptions of making the perfect stock out of just about anything. Such a simple thing to make, but when done right, a stock is a delicate, flavorful base from which you will build your recipe. Thankfully, the stock in this recipe is fast, cheap, and easy. Many thanks to Laura (and her recipe blog ) for the recommendation and base recipe from which I worked. This jam is vegan, which I am surprised to write as you are to read, and it is absolutely delicious, which surprised me even more. My dinner guest, one who has tried several of my recipes now, for the first time ever went back for seconds! I found the soup to be hearty (see: old rustic joke...